Tuesday 9 December 2008

Policy input: E-Forum for Parliamentary Inquiry into Engineering, c/d 9 December 2008

The House of Commons Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee is conducting an inquiry into Engineering.

The Committee is keen to hear, via its new e-forum on engineering, directly from those who are studying engineering, are considering doing so, or who are working in engineering. The web-forum offers participants the opportunity to express their opinions on whether engineering a good career choice, what inspired them to consider a career in engineering, whether their education prepared them for a career in engineering and what they would do to improve engineering in the UK.

The House of Commons Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee is a Select Committee of Parliament, and scrutinises the work and policies relating to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. Although its reports and recommendations are not binding, they must be responded to by the Department, and are influentual. For each inqury it undertakes, it gathers evidence (statements of fact and suggestions of recommendations), which it reviews. In this case, the Committee is specifically seeking input from engineers in the UK.

Views posted online will inform the recommendations the Committee makes to the Government in its final report. It is therefore a valuable opportunity to contribute to the formulation of policy affecting the future of UK engineering.

The forum will run from midday on 28 October 2008 to 9 December 2008.